Though not an ornithologist nor a professional photographer, i was amazed by the variety of birds seen at Vadnagar, my native place. In an effort to document these migratory and non-migratory species, i ended up with a large collection of images. This prompted me to share what i saw with the world wide web viewers. - R. Gajjar

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VADNAGAR, an ancient city, attracts a variety of resident and migratory birds, surrounded as it is by several fresh-water bodies. In a short span of 60 days in the winter of 2011, as many as 70 different species of birds had been observed and documented within the peripheral area of 3 km from the city center. No wonder, Vadnagar has been emerging as a newly-discovered bird sanctuary in Gujarat and attracting attention of enthusiastic bird watchers. 

  CLICK on an image to view videos and slideshows of the bird, and information about the species.                               Total number of bird species sighted at Vadnagar during 2011-12: 123.

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VADNAGAR, an ancient city, attracts a variety of resident and migratory birds, surrounded as it is by several fresh-water bodies. In a short span of 60 days in the winter of 2011, as many as 70 different species of birds had been observed and documented within the peripheral area of 3 km from the city center. No wonder, Vadnagar has been emerging as a newly-discovered bird sanctuary in Gujarat and attracting attention of enthusiastic bird watchers. 

  CLICK on an image to view videos and slideshows of the bird, and information about the species.                               Total number of bird species sighted at Vadnagar during 2011-12: 123.

001 Greater Flamingo
002 Pheasant-tailed Jacana

003 Pied Avocet

004 Spot-billed Duck
005 Knob-billed Duck

006 Eurasian Spoonbill

007 Lesser Whistling Duck

008 Painted Stork

009 Asian Openbill

010 Wooly-necked Stork